How It Begins

There is a period in life all too common among singers; the moment when they start to think about giving up. As with every human being, artists also have to confront their own conflicts and struggles of daily life and balance them with their artistic goals.

Those who continue are individuals that have learned how to live with their fears and how to overcome them. On the other hand, when they don’t see the signs, no longer feel the inspiration, do not have the support of those that surround them, or when the daily routine kill their dreams; artists experience the feeling that they want to stop.

As artists, we have no guarantee that we will succeed, nor do we have a formula that protects us from failure. But there is an inner flame that prods us to ‘CONTINUE, CONTINUE, CONTINUE’.

A Necessary Pause

The truth is that sometimes singers do have to stop, to rethink their goals and remind themselves of their dream, their ‘Why’. This moment is the equivalent of a blank page for a songwriter, and could involve a decision to change to a better vocal technique, choose a new style or genre they want to sing. It can even be a total change in personal direction.

You can take this pause to build up the next idea. You can start over as many times as you deem necessary in order to be reborn as the artist you dream to be.

Quitting and Losing The ‘Why’

However, when the singer wants to quit he has lost the meaning of his singing and can not find it anymore. In the midst of his pursuit, all of the challenges have caused him to not just forget, but lose ‘the Why’. When he quits, it is forever and he doesn’t want to start again.

Unfortunately, the singer quits believing that it is not worth it to continue, and that it just will not happen for him. To quit is the death of the artistic desire.

Getting Back on Track To Reality

We sometimes view success as an ‘ideal place’ where we will arrive with no problems and no more strain of our previous efforts. This is not a realistic view. A singer is successful as long as he is doing what he loves-his art, and understanding the meaning of his journey. This process has ups and downs, but as long as he remains in the artistic way, improving his skills and believing in his project, sooner or later he will begin to see the results of his hard work. Passion and consistent belief must accompany this process.

Sometimes with the right help; a coach or some professional assistance, the singer could review this decision with a more realistic view and can be influenced to continue.

Are you feeling like you don’t know how to continue on your artistic path? Do you feel that things are happening to other singers but not for you? Are you thinking about quitting?

If this is your case, ask for help, share your music and review the next steps to continue….

1. Realize that you are not alone. Most artists and singers are going through exactly what you are in this very moment.

2. Never compare yourself to anyone! Everyone has their own journey and path. Focus on your own story and what you have to offer. Develop it and find the people who are waiting for it.

3. Look at the things you have accomplished. Remembering that you are not where you started is great affirmation of where you are going.

4. Define your own success and treat every step towards it as a milestone. Every day that you are still making music puts you closer to your dream.

-Debora Lebendiker-