They say don’t look back , just let go.

But sometimes it is necessary to look back and see how much you have achieved so far,

To understand the sense of process and progress you did, from where you started, where you are and where you are going.

To look back without a feeling of “I could do it different” or “I shouldn’t do this “, but accepting the script we have written so far with an objective perspective about our reality to continue growing.

We overcame so many obstacles and despite many circumstances we became stronger, we became warriors.

We become the observer of our own path. Looking back to the past will require an absence of judgement or regrets because is a fact that we cannot illuminate the past with the light of the present, this is unfair for everyone: We made our best in that moment.

It may be as an artist, things didn’t go the way you planned but you didn’t give up, you are still in the journey and this means everything.

We are free to reinvent ourselves so many times as we decide, but first we have to look back to learn, to understand what we have to improve or to change. It’s the time to remember, not to be afraid of our memories but to confront our limitations with faith, passion and conviction.

Only then, when we can accept and reconcile with our past without being attached, will be the moment to let go and continue writing our next chapter.