The Singer’s Integral Development


The Singer’s Integral Development

Is a guide that takes the singer in a genuine internal transformation. Its experiential and nontransferable method given through coaching makes it innovative.
Through this book the singer will encounter all the necessary abilities to be a well-rounded artist; ranging from the importance of an adequate vocal technique, to interpretation, style, scenic presence, compromise and mission.

The singer will also be able to discover the importance of identity and of the artistic message, as well as his/her own Uniqueness to be an original and exceptional artist.

This is an interactive book that will help the singer ponder upon his/her current situation and future objectives.

This book will accompany the singer in his/her artistic journey, providing the tools to develop talent and expression to the maximum.


Highly recommended!

I didn’t only read the book, I also had the pleasure to meet the writer. I took some classes with Debora Lebendiker and the book was very useful during my coaching. Is written in a simple, concrete and complete way. You can find in this text from vocal technique, songwriting and interpretation tips, exercises and more. I really felt identified with the content, so it was very helpful to me. It’s authentic and inspiring, you can tell that is written with knowledge and heart.
Rochi Vernaza Ecuador

A great tool for all singers!

I’ve been a professional singer for about 15 years, working as well in lead roles in Argentinian productions of Broadway musicals such as Les Miserables and Beaty & the Beast. I’ve found this book to be a real and honest guide for professional as well as new singers to come. It shares the fundamental basis that requires to be a extraordinary performer: to sing with technique as well as with soul, with heart and passion. It’s innovative way of aproaching the subject makes it easy to understand it an apply. I highly recommend Debora Lebendiker’s book to all who wants to succeed in the art of singing!!! Well done!!

El desarrollo Integral del Cantante

Debora Lebendiker es una cantante profesional ademas de compositora y de “vocal coach”. El Desarrollo Integral del Cantante ofrece informacion practica sobre del descubrimiento de la voz y el desarrollo de uno mismo como artista. 

Es importante subrayar el enfasis que la autora hace sobre el desarrollo de uno mismo como artista, en que estado se encuentra uno al cantar, como aprender a relajarse, el “awarness” o registro del estado fisico y mental,como interpretar una cancion, ademas de tecnicas y ejercicios de vocalizacion que vienen envasados en un CD. 

Me parece interesante el “approach” que tiene con respecto al cantante. No solo he leido el libro sino que Debora se ha convirtido en mi vocal coach y con ella he podido descubrir mi voz. Debora Lebendiker ofrece con su libro un enfoque diferente. 

El libro es excelente, y lo recomiendo a todas aquellas personas que desean ser desarrollarse como artistas.
C. Rainer

Excelente libro para el cantante profesional o aspirante

Este es un libro unico en el mercado, ya que ademas de que no habia encontrado titulos en espanol con estas caractersticas, este metodo desarrollado por Debora Lebendiker plantea un camino claro, concreto y a la vez amplio en cuanto a las vertientes del desarrollo del cantante. Efectivamente, hay otros metodos que hablan de la tecnica del canto, pero la forma en la que la autora presenta el desarrollo integral del cantante es una optica distinta, mas completa e innovadora. Sin duda un libro de cabecera para el aspirante a cantante o el que ya lo hace profesionalmente.

Una obra excelente!!

En este libro, Debora Lebendiker, nos lleva al reencuentro con el maravilloso tesoro que habita en cada artista-cantante. 
Su metodo, creativo e innovador, contempla al cantante de un modo integral, guiandolo en su fascinante camino de convertirse en artista profesional. 
Una de las frases que me atrapo de este libro ” El cantante es mucho mas que una voz bonita “, con esta hermosa frase la autora sintetiza la esencia de su metodologia y la identidad distintiva de su trabajo como vocal-coach. 
Es exquisito el cuidado y la esmerada dedicacion que presta a cada uno de los aspectos de la personalidad del cantante, ayudandolo a descubrirse, mas allá de su voz, como una persona integra y plena, con un enorme potencial para desplegar y compartir.
Que aprendemos de esta obra: A cantar con la voz, con el alma, con el corazon desde nuestra verdadera esencia; alli donde habita nuestra pasion autentica por la musica y nuestro profundo deseo de expresarnos a traves de nuestro arte.

Laura Justicia, Argentina

Un libro imprescindible

Debora Lebendiker, en este libro, nos ensena a cantar, pero no solamente a cantar con tecnica, como si fueramos un instrumento, si no, a hacerlo con nuestra alma, con nuestra experiencia de vida, desde el fondo del corazon. Este es un libro imprescindible para los aspirantes y los profesionales que quieran aprender mas sobre lo que significa cantar, bien, con alma y corazon. 
Excelente trabajo.

A great tool for all singers!

Pocas veces podemos difrutar de una obra con contenido y con una creación artistica, que no solo le enseñe al lector una metodologia que lo conduce a ser un gran cantante, sino que tambien este escrita con un lenguaje poetico que inspira el lector y lo hace disfrutarla de principio a fin. La recomiendo como una obra inspiradora y formadora para todos los aficionados y artistas que quieran mejorar sus destrezas y cantar profesionalmente, asi como a mi me sucedio. La disfrutara, desde el principio y le otorgara las herramientas necesarias para llegar a ser un gran cantante.

(Singer / Songwriter)

Debora has been a blessing in my life. I began working with her at a very early point in my professional career in which I had never taken vocal lessons and I was still learning how to become my own artist.

I have learned so much with Debora. Vocally, she has helped understand my strengths and weaknesses by retraining a lifetime of singing with little knowledge of proper technique. She has focused on areas I am interested in growing and has challenged me beyond that. I never took the time to warm-up my vocals before sessions or performances, however, she has taught me the importance of taking care of my instrument and has provided me with all the knowledge necessary to do so.

Not only has Debora been a great teacher, she has also been a great mentor for me. She always takes the time to discuss the personal and professional details that contribute to my career and growth as an artist. She always helps me by giving amazing advice and genuine guidance. I leave every lesson feeling happy and determined to achieve my goals! I am a much more confident singer and have learned to focus on the details that will help me become a better artist. She supports my dreams in more ways than she is required to. I am beyond thankful and blessed to have found such a wonderful person to share my musical journey with. I would recommend Debora to anyone looking to find or strengthen their inner and outer voice!

(Singer / Songwriter)

Debora has been a blessing in my life. I began working with her at a very early point in my professional career in which I had never taken vocal lessons and I was still learning how to become my own artist.

I have learned so much with Debora. Vocally, she has helped understand my strengths and weaknesses by retraining a lifetime of singing with little knowledge of proper technique. She has focused on areas I am interested in growing and has challenged me beyond that. I never took the time to warm-up my vocals before sessions or performances, however, she has taught me the importance of taking care of my instrument and has provided me with all the knowledge necessary to do so.

Not only has Debora been a great teacher, she has also been a great mentor for me. She always takes the time to discuss the personal and professional details that contribute to my career and growth as an artist. She always helps me by giving amazing advice and genuine guidance. I leave every lesson feeling happy and determined to achieve my goals! I am a much more confident singer and have learned to focus on the details that will help me become a better artist. She supports my dreams in more ways than she is required to. I am beyond thankful and blessed to have found such a wonderful person to share my musical journey with. I would recommend Debora to anyone looking to find or strengthen their inner and outer voice!